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Behavioral Intervention Team

Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)

Trinidad State College Behavioral Intervention Team is a cross-functional group that is dedicated to offering a proactive and planned approach to the identification, prevention, assessment, management and reduction of behavioral threats to the safety and wellbeing of our campus communities. The team meets regularly to review referrals brought forward by faculty, staff and students regarding behaviors that can be concerning, disruptive or threatening. We recognize that these behaviors can sometimes impede ones own or others ability to function successfully and safely.

Members of BIT include representation from Student Support Services, Faculty, Housing, Programing, Special Populations, Student Conduct, Law Enforcement and Advising/Counseling Services. Additional members are included in meeting as necessary.

BIT reviews each case individually and gathers information to make recommendations for compassionate intervention strategies that may include connecting the student to campus and community resources.

How to Report a Concern

It is the responsibility of the individuals within our community to immediately report any concerning or threatening behaviors. Every report will be reviewed to determine appropriate action. There are two ways an individual can be referred to the BIT.

Download and review the Title IX Need to Know brochure

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)?
    Trinidad State College has developed this manual to provide guidance to the Behavioral Intervention Teams and to educate the college community regarding identifying, responding to, and reporting individuals displaying disruptive, concerning, and/or threatening behavior. The Mission of the Trinidad State Behavioral Intervention Team, (BIT), is to provide a resource dedicated to preserving the safety and well-being of students, faculty staff, and visitors of TSJC through prompt intervention, appropriate referral to services, and follow up to promote student success, in addition to support CCCS board policy 19-40. One of the core values of TSJC is “Students First.” It is with this value in mind that the BIT team operates independently of the Office of Student Conduct to assist students with behavioral issues prior to a conduct referral.

    Definitions :
    Behavioral Intervention Team - a centralized, representative group which meets regularly to support its target audience (students, employees, faculty, and staff) via an established protocol. The team receives reports of disruptive, concerning, and/or threatening behavior (from co-workers, community members, friends, colleagues, students, etc.), gathers additional information as required, and participates in recommending appropriate mechanisms for support, intervention, warning/notification and response. The team tracks “red flags” and trends in behavior, and provides feedback to constituents on larger issues of concern within the community.
    Disruptive behavior - consists of words and/or actions which have the effect of interfering with College operations and/or the educational or working environment.
    Concerning behavior - consists of words and/or actions which would cause a reasonable person to believe an individual’s emotional well-being may be at risk.
    Threatening behavior - consists of words and/or actions which would cause a reasonable person to believe an individual may put at risk their own safety or that of other members of the College community.
  • What the BIT is NOT:
    BIT is not a committee developed to discipline students or address classroom management issues. 
  • What should I do if I think someone is in immediate danger either to themselves or someone else?
    (e.g., potentially suicidal or threatening someone)
    • Call 911.
    • Then call a member of the BIT and file an incident report. 
  • Should I approach the student first?
    If you feel comfortable addressing the student yes. It is best to make sure you document the interaction of any concerning behavior. Feel free to contact a BIT member to help talk to the student and offer resources if needed. 
  • What should I report?

    Disruptive behavior - consists of words and/or actions which have the effect of interfering with College operations and/or the educational or working environment.

    Concerning behavior - consists of words and/or actions which would cause a reasonable person to believe an individual’s emotional well-being may be at risk.

    Threatening behavior - consists of words and/or actions which would cause a reasonable person to believe an individual may put at risk their own safety or that of other members of the College community.

  • What are some examples of situations that should be reported to BIT?
    • Disruptive and concerning behavior
    • Suicidal ideation (verbal, written or physical evidence)
    • Concerns of Drug or alcohol usage or abuse
    • Domestic Violence
    • Homelessness
    • Trouble Grieving
    • Violent or threatening behavior towards faculty, staff or students 
  • What if I am not sure if I should report the concern?
    It is always better to be safe than sorry. 
  • Who can submit a report?
    Anyone who has concern about the student. Each person reporting has a different perspective which can help the BIT address the concerns from different angles. 
  • Can I submit a report anonymously?
    If you have something to report or have a concern about a student please use the link below to send a notice to staff who can help. You may use your name or report anonymously. What is important is to give as much information as possible so help can be provided or a behavior that isn’t appropriate can be addressed. 
  • Will the student know that I am the person who reported her/him to BIT?
    Not unless you tell them. 
  • How will I know that the situation has been addressed?
    You will received a brief notification from the BIT letting you know we have received the report and if we have any additional questions for you. We keep the conversation we have with the student confidential unless we need to comply with mandatory reporting guidelines. Still, limited information is shared about the student after the report is made to protect their rights and confidentiality.
  • What happens to a student once they have been referred to BIT?
    The BIT will meet and determine the best plan of action to contact the student, and determine if anyone on the BIT is more suitable to have a one on one with the student or the whole group should meet with him or her. We develop a timeline and attempt to contact the students and any additional resources we need too. We keep the conversation we have with the student confidential unless we need to comply with mandatory reporting guidelines. Still, limited information is shared about the student after the report is made to protect their rights and confidentiality.
  • How will I know what happens after I make the referral?
    It is the student’s choice to share.
  • What about confidentiality and FERPA?
    Essentially, we are working together to create a safe learning environment for the student. By reporting to the BIT you are keeping communication within the institution.
  • What if I had a question not answered above, what should I do?
    You can contact the BIT or the VP of Student Services with additional questions Records at TSJC are considered confidential. Records will be release to faculty & professional staff for authorized college related purposes. For more information about FERPA visit this section of our website.

Mental Health National Resources
  • Safe 2 Tell
    Anonymously report anything
    (877) 542-7233
  • Crisis Text Line
    Text: “HOME” to 741741

  • Veterans Crisis Line
    (800) 273-8255

Mental Health Local Resources
  • Truth Warrior Counseling,
    LLC- Danielle Kolakowski

    135 East Main Street
    Suite 6
    Trinidad, CO 81082
    (719) 252-5439

Trinidad Campus

  • Dr. Sue Nesbitt
    Faculty, Psychology

  • Omar Cano
    Director of Residence Halls
    O'Connor Hall

Valley Campus

  • TBD
    Disability Services Coordinator
    Main 104

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